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Problem G: Dominating Set

What you have in your hands is a map of Aizu-Wakamatsu City. The lines on this map represent streets and the dots are street corners. Lion Dor Company is going to build food stores at some street corners where people can go to buy food. It is unnecessary and expensive to build a food store on every corner. Their plan is to build the food stores so that people could get food either right there on the corner where they live, or at the very most, have to walk down only one street to find a corner where there was a food store. Now, all they have to do is figure out where to put the food store.

The problem can be simplified as follows. Let G = (V, E) be unweighted undirected graph. A dominating set D of G is a subset of V such that every vertex in V - D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D. A minimum dominating set is a dominating set of minimum number of vertices for G. In the example graph given below, the black vertices are the members of the minimum dominating sets.

Design and implement an algorithm for the minimum domminating set problem.


Input has several test cases. Each test case consists of the number of nodes n and the number of edges m in the first line. In the following m lines, edges are given by a pair of nodes connected by the edge. The graph nodess are named with the numbers 0, 1,..., n - 1 respectively.

The input terminate with a line containing two 0. The number of test cases is less than 20.


  • n ≤ 30
  • m ≤ 50


Output the size of minimum dominating set for each test case.

Sample Input

5 4
0 1
0 4
1 2
3 4
5 4
0 1
0 4
1 2
3 4
0 0

Output for the Sample Input