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Enumeration of Combinations

Print all combinations which can be made by $k$ different elements from $0, 1, ..., n-1$. Note that we represent $0, 1, ... n-1$ as 00...0001, 00...0010, 00...0100, ..., 10...0000 in binary respectively and the integer representation of a combination is calculated by bitwise OR of the selected elements.


The input is given in the following format.

$n \; k$


Print the combinations ordered by their decimal integers. Print a combination in the following format.

$d$: $e_0$ $e_1$ ...

Print ':' after the integer value $d$, then print elements $e_i$ in the combination in ascending order. Separate two adjacency elements by a space character.


  • $1 \leq n \leq 18$
  • $k \leq n$

Sample Input 1

5 3

Sample Output 1

7: 0 1 2
11: 0 1 3
13: 0 2 3
14: 1 2 3
19: 0 1 4
21: 0 2 4
22: 1 2 4
25: 0 3 4
26: 1 3 4
28: 2 3 4