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Don't Cross the Circles!

There are one or more circles on a plane. Any two circles have different center positions and/or different radiuses. A circle may intersect with another circle, but no three or more circles have areas nor points shared by all of them. A circle may completely contain another circle or two circles may intersect at two separate points, but you can assume that the circumferences of two circles never touch at a single point.

Your task is to judge whether there exists a path that connects the given two points, P and Q, without crossing the circumferences of the circles. You are given one or more point pairs for each layout of circles.

In the case of Figure G-1, we can connect P and Q1 without crossing the circumferences of the circles, but we cannot connect P with Q2, Q3, or Q4 without crossing the circumferences of the circles.

Figure G-1: Sample layout of circles and points


The input consists of multiple datasets, each in the following format.

n m
Cx1 Cy1 r1
Cxn Cyn rn
Px1 Py1 Qx1 Qy1
Pxm Pym Qxm Qym

The first line of a dataset contains two integers n and m separated by a space. n represents the number of circles, and you can assume 1 ≤ n ≤ 100. m represents the number of point pairs, and you can assume 1 ≤ m ≤ 10. Each of the following n lines contains three integers separated by a single space. (Cxi, Cyi) and ri represent the center position and the radius of the i-th circle, respectively. Each of the following m lines contains four integers separated by a single space. These four integers represent coordinates of two separate points Pj = (Pxj, Pyj) and Qj =(Qxj, Qyj). These two points Pj and Qj form the j-th point pair. You can assume 0 ≤ Cxi ≤ 10000, 0 ≤ Cyi ≤ 10000, 1 ≤ ri ≤ 1000, 0 ≤ Pxj ≤ 10000, 0 ≤ Pyj ≤ 10000, 0 ≤ Qxj ≤ 10000, 0 ≤ Qyj ≤ 10000. In addition, you can assume Pj or Qj are not located on the circumference of any circle.

The end of the input is indicated by a line containing two zeros separated by a space.

Figure G-1 shows the layout of the circles and the points in the first dataset of the sample input below. Figure G-2 shows the layouts of the subsequent datasets in the sample input.

Figure G-2: Sample layout of circles and points


For each dataset, output a single line containing the m results separated by a space. The j-th result should be "YES" if there exists a path connecting Pj and Qj, and "NO" otherwise.

Sample Input

5 3
0 0 1000
1399 1331 931
0 1331 500
1398 0 400
2000 360 340
450 950 1600 380
450 950 1399 1331
450 950 450 2000
1 2
50 50 50
0 10 100 90
0 10 50 50
2 2
50 50 50
100 50 50
40 50 110 50
40 50 0 0
4 1
25 100 26
75 100 26
50 40 40
50 160 40
50 81 50 119
6 1
100 50 40
0 50 40
50 0 48
50 50 3
55 55 4
55 105 48
50 55 55 50
20 6
270 180 50
360 170 50
0 0 50
10 0 10
0 90 50
0 180 50
90 180 50
180 180 50
205 90 50
180 0 50
65 0 20
75 30 16
90 78 36
105 30 16
115 0 20
128 48 15
128 100 15
280 0 30
330 0 30
305 65 42
0 20 10 20
0 20 10 0
50 30 133 0
50 30 133 30
90 40 305 20
90 40 240 30
16 2
0 0 50
0 90 50
0 180 50
90 180 50
180 180 50
205 90 50
180 0 50
65 0 20
115 0 20
90 0 15
280 0 30
330 0 30
305 65 42
75 40 16
90 88 36
105 40 16
128 35 250 30
90 50 305 20
0 0

Output for the Sample Input