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B: AddMulSubDiv

Problem Statement

You have an array A of N integers. A_i denotes the i-th element of A.

You have to process one of the following queries Q times:

  • Query 1: The query consists of non-negative integer x, and two positive integers s, t. For all the elements greater than or equal to x in A, you have to add s to the elements, and then multiply them by t. That is, an element with v (v \geq x) becomes t(v + s) after this query.
  • Query 2: The query consists of non-negative integer x, and two positive integers s, t. For all the elements less than or equal to x in A, you have to subtract s from the elements, and then divide them by t. If the result is not an integer, you truncate it towards zero. That is, an element with v (v \leq x) becomes $\mathrm{trunc}$ ( \frac{v - s}{t} ) after this query, where $\mathrm{trunc}$ ( y ) is the integer obtained by truncating y towards zero.
    • "Truncating towards zero" means converting a decimal number to an integer so that if x = 0.0 then 0 , otherwise an integer whose absolute value is the maximum integer no more than |x| and whose sign is same as x. For example, truncating 3.5 towards zero is 3, and truncating -2.8 towards zero is -2.

After applying Q queries one by one, how many elements in A are no less than L and no more than R?


A_1 A_2 ... A_N
q_1 x_1 s_1 t_1
q_Q x_Q s_Q t_Q
  • The first line contains four integers N, Q, L, and R. N is the number of elements in an integer array A, Q is the number of queries, and L and R specify the range of integers you want to count within after the queries.
  • The second line consists of N integers, the i-th of which is the i-th element of A.
  • The following Q lines represent information of queries. The j-th line of them corresponds to the j-th query and consists of four integers q_j, x_j, s_j, and t_j. Here, q_j = 1 stands for the j-th query is Query 1, and q_j = 2 stands for the j-th query is Query 2. x_j, s_j, and t_j are parameters used for the j-th query.


  • 1 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^5
  • 1 \leq Q \leq 2 \times 10^5
  • -2^{63} < L \leq R < 2^{63}
  • 0 \leq |A_i| \leq 10^9
  • q_j \in \{ 1, 2 \}
  • 0 \leq x_j < 2^{63}
  • 1 \leq s_j, t_j \leq 10^9
  • Inputs consist only of integers.
  • The absolute value of any element in the array dosen't exceed 2^{63} at any point during query processing.


Output the number of elements in A that are no less than L and no more than R after processing all given queries in one line.

Sample Input 1

3 3 3 10
1 -2 3
1 2 2 3
2 20 1 3
2 1 20 5

Output for Sample Input 1