Information related to users, problems, submissions, sources. etc for your applications
New APIs is available now. Document for the new API is partially available from Please contact us if you are planing to develop services based on the API.
The API provides information for users, problems, submission, etc. in XML format. Please note that, the API is under construction. So, the specification may change without notice.
Thread Search API |
Message Search API |
Thread Search from problem ID API |
Recent Message Search API |
Contest List Search API |
Contest Info. Search API |
Contest Standing Search API |
Contest Problem Search API |
Contest Status Log Search API |
Provides detailed information of the specific user.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | User ID. | string | yes | shioshiota |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
id | User ID. | string | 1 | shioshiota |
name | User Name. | string | 1 | Tetsuya Shiota |
affiliation | Affiliation of the user. | string | 1 | University of Aizu |
registerdate | Registered date. | long integer | 1 | 1245139751485 |
lastsubmitdate | Last submitted date. | long integer | 1 | 1330502486334 |
status | User's status | 1 | ||
- submission | The number of submissions. | integer | 1 | 2166 |
- solved | The number of solved problems. | integer | 1 | 600 |
- accepted | The number of accepted submissions. | integer | 1 | 713 |
- wronganswer | The number of wrong answers. | integer | 1 | 939 |
- timelimit | The number of time limit exceeding. | integer | 1 | 302 |
- memorylimit | The number of memory limit exceeding. | integer | 1 | 19 |
- outputlimit | The number of output limit exceeding. | integer | 1 | 0 |
- runtimeerror | The number of runtime errors. | integer | 1 | 127 |
- compileerror | The number of compile errors. | integer | 1 | 66 |
solved_list | List of solved problems | 1 | ||
- problem | Solved problems. | The number of solved problems. | ||
- id | Problem ID. | string | 1 | 0000 |
- submissiondate | Date of submission. | long integer | 1 | 1275113738987 |
- language | Programming Language. | string | 1 | C++ |
- cputime | CPU Time (sentisecond). | integer | 1 | 0 |
- memory | Memory usage (Kbyte). | integer | 1 | 0 |
- code_size | Code size (byte). | integer | 1 | 191 |
Provides detailed information of the specific problem.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | Problem ID. | string | yes | 0002 |
status | Flag for showing status. | string | no | false |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
id | Problem ID. | string | 1 | 0002 |
name | Problem Name. | string | 1 | Binary Tree Intersection And Union |
available | Judge Type (0:Not available, 1:Judge, 2:Judge allowing precision error, 3:Judge with Validator, 4:Reactive judge). | integer | 1 | 1 |
problemtimelimit | Time limit assigned to the problem (second). | integer | 1 | 1 |
problemmemorylimit | Memory limit assigned to the problem (Kbyte). | integer | 1 | 32768 |
status | Problem's status | 1 | ||
- submission | The number of submissions. | integer | 1 | 59 |
- accepted | The number of accepted submissions. | integer | 1 | 37 |
- wronganswer | The number of wrong answers. | integer | 1 | 14 |
- timelimit | The number of time limit exceeding. | integer | 1 | 4 |
- memorylimit | The number of memory limit exceeding. | integer | 1 | 0 |
- outputlimit | The number of output limit exceeding. | integer | 1 | 0 |
- runtimeerror | The number of runtime errors. | integer | 1 | 4 |
solved_list | List of users who solved the problem | 1 | ||
- user | The user who solved the problem. | n | ||
- id | User ID. | string | 1 | solver |
- submissiondate | Date of submission. | long integer | 1 | 1105194277849 |
- language | Programming Language. | string | 1 | C++ |
- cputime | CPU Time (sentisecond). | integer | 1 | 0 |
- memory | Memory usage (Kbyte). | integer | 1 | 0 |
- code_size | Code size (byte). | integer | 1 | 2158 |
Provides a list of problems in the specific volume.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
volume | Volume No. | integer | yes | 10 |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
problem_list | List of problems in the specified volume | 1 | ||
- problem | Problem. | The number of problems in the specified volume. | ||
- id | Problem ID. | string | 1 | 1000 |
- name | Name of the problem. | string | 1 | A + B Problem |
- problemtimelimit | Time limit assigned to the problem (second). | integer | 1 | 1 |
- problemmemorylimit | Memory limit assigned to the problem (Kbyte). | integer | 1 | 32768 |
Provides a list of users meeting specified criteria.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
criteria | Criteria for sotring. 0 = order by solved, 1 = order by rating. | integer | no (default: 0) | 0 |
affiliation | A substring in the affiliation. | string | no | aizu |
solved_min | The service returns a list of users who solved at least solved_min problems | integer | no | 20 |
solved_max | The service returns a list of users who solved at most solved_max problems | integer | no | 200 |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
user_list | List of users | 1 | ||
- user | The user. | n | ||
- rank | The rank based on the specified criteria. | integer | 1 | 1 |
- id | User ID. | string | 1 | nob |
- name | Name of the user. | string | 1 | Nobuyuki Wachi |
- affiliation | Affiliation of the user. | string | 1 | University of Aizu |
- solved | The number of solved problems. | integer | 1 | 116 |
- rating | Rating of the user. | float | 1 | 414.047 |
Provides a list of accepted submission records meeting specified criteria.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
user_id | User ID. | string | user_id or problem_id should be specified. | solver |
problem_id | Problem ID. | string | user_id or problem_id should be specified. | 1000 |
language | Programming language. | string | no | JAVA |
date_begin | The service returns records after date_begin. | long integer | no | 1244400000000 |
date_end | The service returns records before date_end. | long integer | no | 1260000000000 |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
solved_record_list | List of solved records | 1 | ||
- solved | The solved record. | n | ||
- run_id | Run ID. | integer | 1 | 10873 |
- user_id | User ID. | string | 1 | aizu |
- problem_id | Problem ID. | string | 1 | 0000 |
- date | Date of submission. | long integer | 1 | 1241341589469 |
- language | Programming language. | string | 1 | C++ |
- cputime | CPU Time (sentisecond). | integer | 1 | 0 |
- memory | Memory usage (Kbyte). | integer | 1 | 0 |
- code_size | Code size (byte). | integer | 1 | 110 |
Provides a list of submission records meeting specified criteria.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
user_id | User ID. | string | no | solver |
problem_id | Problem ID. | string | no | 1000 |
start | Start position. | integer | no | 0 |
limit | The number of records. (1 ≤ limit ≤ 100) | integer | no | 5 |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
status_list | List of status records | 1 | ||
- status | The status record. | n | ||
- run_id | Run ID. | integer | 1 | 10873 |
- user_id | User ID. | string | 1 | aizu |
- problem_id | Problem ID. | string | 1 | 0000 |
- submission_date | Date of submission. | long integer | 1 | 1241341589469 |
- status | Judge status. | string | 1 | Accepted |
- language | Programming language. | string | 1 | C++ |
- cputime | CPU Time (sentisecond). | integer | 1 | 0 |
- memory | Memory usage (Kbyte). | integer | 1 | 0 |
- code_size | Code size (byte). | integer | 1 | 110 |
Provides details of a judge result.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | Run ID. | string | yes | 349776 |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
judge_id | Judge ID (= Run ID) | string | 1 | 349776 |
judge_type_code | Judge Type Code | int | 1 | 1 |
judge_type | Judge Type: Judge Judge allowing precision error Judge with validator Reactive judge Not available | string | 1 | Judge |
submissiondate | Time the program submited | long | 1 | 1330306881952 |
judgedate | Time the judge finished | long | 1 | 1330306883063 |
language | Language | string | 1 | C++ |
cuptime | CPU time | int | 1 | 0 |
memory | Memory usage | int | 1 | 0 |
code_size | Code size | int | 1 | 159 |
status | Judge result code 0:Compile Error 1:Wrong Answer 2:Time Limit Exceeded 3:Memory Limit Exceeded 4:Accepted 6:Output Limit Exceeded 7:Runtime Error 8:Presentation Error | int | 1 | 0 |
accuracy | (The number of accepted cases) / (The number of test cases) | string | 1 | 0/1 |
problem_id | Problem ID | string | 1 | 1000 |
problem_title | Problem Title | string | 1 | A + B Problem |
submissions | The number of submissions for the problem | int | 1 | 1350 |
accepted | The number of accepted submissions for the problem | int | 1 | 997 |
user_id | User ID | string | 1 | judge |
user_name | User Name | string | 1 | Judge Team |
affiliation | Affiliation | string | 1 | University of Aizu |
Provides categories and the corresponding scores of all problems or the specific problem. Please note that, the scores have been assigned subjectively and there are problems which we have not assigned the score yet.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | Problem ID. | string | no | 1301 |
category | Category Name. | string | no | geometry |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
problem_category | List of problems. | 1 | ||
- problem | Problem. | n | ||
- id | Problem ID. | string | 1 | 1301 |
- category | Category Name. | string | 1 | geometry |
- score | Score assigned to the problem. | float | 1 | 3.50 |
Provides detailed information of the source of a specific problem.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | Problem ID. | string | yes | 1054 |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
id | Problem ID. | string | 1 | 1054 |
title | Title of the source. | string | 1 | University of Aizu Programming Contest 2010 |
subtitle | Subtitle of the source. | string | 1 | |
place | The place the corresponding contest. | string | 1 | Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan |
abbr | Abbreviation of the title. | string | 1 | UAPC 2010 |
author1 | Author of the problem. | string | 1 | Takashi Tayama |
author2 | Second author of the problem. | string | 1 | |
year | Year | string | 1 | 2010 |
month | Month | string | 1 | 05 |
day | Day | string | 1 | 29 |
note | Special notes | string | 1 | |
url | URL | string | 1 | |
judge | Judge | string | 1 |
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
Field | Description | Type | Frequency | Example |
It can obtain information of thread to input thread ID.<threadId>.xml<threadId>.json
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | Thread ID. | long integer | no | 7 |
Field | Description | Type | Example |
id | Thread ID | long integer | 7 |
name | Thread title | string | Thread Title |
problem_id | aoj problem number | string | 0001 |
user_id | aoj ID | string | shioshiota |
attribute_id | thread attribute | long integer | 1 |
- 1 Question | long integer | ||
- 2 Discussion | long integer | ||
- 3 Trouble | long integer | ||
- 4 Announce | long integer | ||
update_time | thread update time | Date | 2012-04-23 10:05:34.0 |
Display XML of the number of thread recently.<number>
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
number | Number of thread. | integer | no | 10 |
Field | Description | Type | Example |
problem_id | aoj problem number | string | 0001 |
user_id | aoj ID | string | shioshiota |
attribute_id | thread attribute | long integer | 1 |
- 1 Question | long integer | ||
- 2 Discussion | long integer | ||
- 3 Trouble | long integer | ||
- 4 Announce | long integer | ||
update_time | thread update time | Date | 2012-04-23 10:05:34.0 |
it can obtain information of message to input message ID.<messageId>.xml<messageId>.json
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | Message ID. | long integer | no | 45 |
Field | Description | Type | Example |
id | message ID | long integer | 37 |
thread_id | thread ID in message | long integer | 14 |
problem_id | problem ID in message | string | 0067 |
attribute_id | thread ID in message | long integer | 1 |
- 1 Question | long integer | ||
- 2 Discussion | long integer | ||
- 3 Trouble | long integer | ||
- 4 Announce | long integer | ||
user_id | aoj ID | string | shioshiota |
content | contents of message | string | I have a trouble. |
url | reference URL(non-functional) | string | http:// |
update_time | message submit time time | Date | 2012-04-23 10:05:34.0 |
It can obtain information of thread to input problem ID.<problemId>.xml<problemId>.json
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
problem_id | Problem ID. | long integer | no | 1 |
Field | Description | Type | Example |
id | Thread ID | long integer | 87 |
name | Thread title | string | Thread Title |
problem_id | aoj problem number | long integer | 0001 |
user_id | aoj ID | string | shioshiota |
attribute_id | thread attribute | long integer | 1 |
- 1 Question | long integer | ||
- 2 Discussion | long integer | ||
- 3 Trouble | long integer | ||
- 4 Announce | long integer | ||
update_time | thread update time | Date | 2012-04-23 10:05:34.0 |
It can obtain information of message to input thread ID.<threadId>.xml<threadId>.json
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | Thread ID. | long integer | no | 1 |
Field | Description | Type | Example |
id | message ID | long integer | 37 |
thread_id | thread ID in message | long integer | 14 |
problem_id | problem ID in message | string | 0067 |
attribute_id | thread ID in message | long integer | 1 |
- 1 Question | long integer | ||
- 2 Discussion | long integer | ||
- 3 Trouble | long integer | ||
- 4 Announce | long integer | ||
user_id | aoj ID | string | shioshiota |
content | contents of message | string | I have a trouble. |
url | reference URL(non-functional) | string | http:// |
update_time | message submit time time | Date | 2012-04-23 10:05:34.0 |
Display XML of the number of message recently.<messageId>.xml
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Example |
id | Message ID. | integer | no | 45 |
Field | Description | Type | Example |
id | message ID | long integer | 37 |
thread_id | thread ID in message | long integer | 14 |
problem_id | problem ID in message | string | 0067 |
attribute_id | thread ID in message | long integer | 1 |
- 1 Question | long integer | ||
- 2 Discussion | long integer | ||
- 3 Trouble | long integer | ||
- 4 Announce | long integer | ||
user_id | aoj ID | string | shioshiota |
content | contents of message | string | I have a trouble. |
url | reference URL(non-functional) | string | http:// |
update_time | message submit time time | Date | 2012-04-23 10:05:34.0 |