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Odd and Even Spirit

Mr. Andu, who loves numbers, has been diligently writing down the various numbers that interest him in his notebook every day. The guardian of odd numbers, the spirit of odd numbers, has a mischievous thought and decides to turn all the numbers that Mr. Andu writes in his notebook into odd numbers.

If the spirit of odd numbers uses his magic eraser to select and erase a digit from the number written in the notebook, he can make that number into another number. For example, if you remove the digit 4 from the number 12345, it becomes the number 1235. If the digit 5 is removed, the number 123 is created. When all the digits are erased, the number disappears from the notebook. Each time a digit is erased, the length of the eraser decreases by 1. When the length of the eraser reaches zero, it becomes unusable.

The spirit of odd numbers is trying to make all the numbers odd by using an eraser. The guardian of even numbers, the spirit of even numbers, is trying to erase some of the digits in the note with his eraser before the spirit of odd numbers uses his eraser to prevent all the numbers from becoming odd.

Will all the numbers in the notebook be odd numbers?

The numbers written in the notebook and the length of the eraser held by the odd and even numbered spirits are given. Create a program that outputs whether or not the spirit of odd can make all the numbers odd when the spirit of even tries to prevent all the numbers in the notebook from becoming odd by using the optimal erasing method.


Input is given in the following format.

$X$ $Y$

In the first line, the number of numbers written in the notebook $N$ ($1 \leq N \leq 100$) is given. In the next line, the length of the eraser held by the spirit of the odd number $X$ ($1 \leq X \leq 100$) and the length of the eraser held by the spirit of the even number $Y$ ($1 \leq Y \leq 100$) are given. In the following $N$ lines, the $i$-th number $a_i$ ($1 \leq a_i < 10^{100}$) written in the notebook is given.

However, the digits of the number $a_i$ written in the notebook shall consist of the letters 1 through 9 and shall not contain zero. Also, no input shall be given such that all the numbers disappear from the notebook, even if the odd and even numbered spirits erase the letters until the eraser runs out.


Output Yes if all the numbers can be made odd, No if at least one even number is included.

Sample Input and Output

Sample Input 1

4 2

Sample Output 1


By having the spirit of the even number erase the number 5 of the second number and the number 3 of the third number, the spirit of the odd number will not be able to erase the four numbers in any number to make all the numbers odd.

Sample Input 2

4 3

Sample Output 2
