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Shortest Bridge

There is a city whose shape is a 1,000 $\times$ 1,000 square. The city has a big river, which flows from the north to the south and separates the city into just two parts: the west and the east.

Recently, the city mayor has decided to build a highway from a point $s$ on the west part to a point $t$ on the east part. A highway consists of a bridge on the river, and two roads: one of the roads connects $s$ and the west end of the bridge, and the other one connects $t$ and the east end of the bridge. Note that each road doesn't have to be a straight line, but the intersection length with the river must be zero.

In order to cut building costs, the mayor intends to build a highway satisfying the following conditions:

  • Since bridge will cost more than roads, at first the length of a bridge connecting the east part and the west part must be as short as possible.
  • Under the above condition, the sum of the length of two roads is minimum.

Your task is to write a program computing the total length of a highway satisfying the above conditions.


The input consists of a single test case. The test case is formatted as follows.

$sx$ $sy$ $tx$ $ty$
$wx_1$ $wy_1$
$wx_N$ $wy_N$
$ex_1$ $ey_1$
$ex_M$ $ey_M$

At first, we refer to a point on the city by a coordinate ($x, y$): the distance from the west side is $x$ and the distance from the north side is $y$.

The first line contains four integers $sx$, $sy$, $tx$, and $ty$ ($0 \leq sx, sy, tx, ty \leq 1,000$): points $s$ and $t$ are located at ($sx, sy$) and ($tx, ty$) respectively. The next line contains an integer $N$ ($2 \leq N \leq 20$), where $N$ is the number of points composing the west riverside. Each of the following $N$ lines contains two integers $wx_i$ and $wy_i$ ($0 \leq wx_i, wy_i \leq 1,000$): the coordinate of the $i$-th point of the west riverside is ($wx_i, wy_i$). The west riverside is a polygonal line obtained by connecting the segments between ($wx_i, wy_i$) and ($wx_{i+1}, wy_{i+1}$) for all $1 \leq i \leq N -1$. The next line contains an integer $M$ ($2 \leq M \leq 20$), where $M$ is the number of points composing the east riverside. Each of the following $M$ lines contains two integers $ex_i$ and $ey_i$ ($0 \leq ex_i, ey_i \leq 1,000$): the coordinate of the $i$-th point of the east riverside is ($ex_i, ey_i$). The east riverside is a polygonal line obtained by connecting the segments between ($ex_i, ey_i$) and ($ex_{i+1}, ey_{i+1}$) for all $1 \leq i \leq M - 1$.

You can assume that test cases are under the following conditions.

  • $wy_1$ and $ey_1$ must be 0, and $wy_N$ and $ey_M$ must be 1,000.
  • Each polygonal line has no self-intersection.
  • Two polygonal lines representing the west and the east riverside have no cross point.
  • A point $s$ must be on the west part of the city. More precisely, $s$ must be on the region surrounded by the square side of the city and the polygonal line of the west riverside and not containing the east riverside points.
  • A point $t$ must be on the east part of the city. More precisely, $t$ must be on the region surrounded by the square side of the city and the polygonal line of the east riverside and not containing the west riverside points.
  • Each polygonal line intersects with the square only at the two end points. In other words, $0 < wx_i, wy_i < 1,000$ holds for $2 \leq i \leq N - 1$ and $0 < ex_i, ey_i < 1,000$ holds for $2 \leq i \leq M - 1$.


Output single-space separated two numbers in a line: the length of a bridge and the total length of a highway (i.e. a bridge and two roads) satisfying the above mayor's demand. The output can contain an absolute or a relative error no more than $10^{-8}$.

Sample Input 1

200 500 800 500
400 0
450 500
400 1000
600 0
550 500
600 1000

Output for the Sample Input 1

100 600

Sample Input 2

300 300 700 100
300 0
400 100
300 200
400 300
400 1000
700 0
600 100
700 200
700 1000

Output for the Sample Input 2

200 541.421356237

Sample Input 3

300 400 700 600
400 0
400 1000
600 0
600 1000

Output for the Sample Input 3

200 482.842712475

Sample Input 4

200 500 800 500
400 0
450 500
400 1000
600 0
550 500
600 100
650 500
600 1000

Output for the Sample Input 4

100 1200.326482915